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Lee County Learner No Longer Has to Decide Between Hunger and Hope

January 14, 2023 | Jeffrey Good
Lee County Learner No Longer Has to Decide Between Hunger and Hope Hero Image

While still in her teens, Sam White knows all too well about the need to put food on the table, pay the rent and make her own way in the world. She lives independently, has to work full time — and found she couldn’t fit her life inside the schedule of a traditional school day.

So, while she was a strong student at Riverdale High, she saw no choice but the drop out. “It was kind of like, eat or get your diploma.”

She didn’t like being a dropout but wasn’t sure she saw any other option. Then she found out about Lee County Acceleration Academies (LCAA), a new public high school that offers a flexible, personalized path to graduation for learners who have met with frustration in traditional settings.

At LCAA, Sam is able to do most of her schoolwork when she gets home from work in the evening, getting one-on-one support from educators via Zoom or phone call after the normal school day ends. She also takes one day off work during the week to come onto campus for tutoring from teachers and encouragement from advocate Jonathan Pauyo.

“You should be proud of yourself,” Pauyo told Sam one recent morning when they were discussing her goals for completing her diploma and building financial security as an adult. “You’re doing awesome.”

It hasn’t always felt that way for Sam, now 19. After turmoil at home led her to move into a place with her college student boyfriend, she had to work nights at a gas station to make money to pay her share of the bills. For a time, she tried to stay in school — but eventually working late into the night and getting up early for school the next day wore her out.

Good fortune came her way when one of her gas station customers, the owner of a family pool repair business, noticed her solid work ethic and positive attitude and offered her a job in his office. The daytime hours came as a relief, but they still didn’t leave time for normal school.

That’s not a problem at LCAA, which operates in partnership with the Lee County School District to provide a non-traditional path for students who are coping with challenges including work schedules, teen parenthood, social anxiety, a need for more one-on-one academic and emotional support, or the ambition to graduate early and get on to college and career.

Acceleration Academies students — who are called “graduation candidates” to remind them of their goals — take one course at a time, demonstrating mastery before moving on to the next subject. As long as they maintain steady progress in their coursework and spend some of their study time on campus, they are allowed to set their own hours and pace. The learning environment is quiet and studious, a far cry from crowded hallways and classrooms.

For Sam, it’s proven the perfect blend. And if she ever feels her momentum slow, she knows educators like Pauyo will be there to cheer her on.

“You’re going to finish strong,” he tells her. She flashes a quiet smile, nods toward Pauyo and says, “He’s motivational — to say the least!”

Lee County Acceleration Academies accepts new students on a rolling basis. For more information, check out the academy web page and fill out an online enrollment form

Ready to Talk?

Acceleration Academies invites district superintendents and other school leaders to begin a dialog about to intervene on behalf of students who have fallen behind or left school.