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Academies in Action: Pro Tips on Starting the School Year Right

August 27, 2021 | Jeffrey Good
Academies in Action: Pro Tips on Starting the School Year Right Hero Image

Each month, we take a moment to learn from the educational leaders who are bringing the Acceleration Academies mission to life, day in and day out. This month, we asked our Academy Directors to respond to this prompt: As the traditional school year begins, what is the most important thing graduation candidates can do to own their success? Here is what they had to say.


Graduation candidates can own their success by setting goals and making a plan to achieve them. The BAA team will be right by their side each step of the way, encouraging progress and helping them stay aligned to the goals they have set. Each GC must first want this goal for themselves, believe they can do it and know they have all the resources needed to own their success.

— Alison Hansen, Director, Bethel (WA)


To launch strongly into the 2021-22 school year, graduation candidates need three things: a commitment to work 24 hours each week, a concrete plan to complete 29% or more of their current course each week, and a growth mindset that honors the grit necessary to cultivate their own success — with support from their content coaches and graduation candidate advocates.

— Wendy Thompson, Director, Clark County (NV)


The most important thing a graduation candidate can do to own their success is set short- and long-term goals. It is important to identify your personal needs and what you need to get there. Remember, you have an entire team ready to support and guide you every step of the way.

— Maria Jacobs, Director, Escambia County (FL)


The most important thing a graduation candidate can do to own their success is to take advantage of their accountability partners. The LAA team recently invited our inaugural students into our brand-new campus and have called, visited, texted, and celebrated them at every step Our message: We care about you, we want you to be successful — and we want you to reach out to us whenever you need support.

— Dr. Jacinta Bryant, Director, Lowcountry Acceleration Academy


Graduation candidates need a positive mindset focused on their individual goals. If GCs believes in themselves, they WILL BE successful. And the MDAA Team will be their biggest cheerleader, supporting them every day with whatever they need to reach their potential.

— Gina Montagnino-Fiske, Director, Miami-Dade (FL)


The most important thing a graduation candidate can do is to define and describe his or her “why.” What is motivating you to work on this goal now? I would even encourage our GCs to post their “why” in a place where it can be a visual reminder each day.

— Monetta Ruskin, Director, Sarasota (FL).


In order for a graduation candidate to own his/her success, it is important to develop a sense of automaticity. Working on coursework should become a habit, like brushing one’s teeth. We help our GCs reach this by encouraging them to commit to a schedule, monitoring their daily progress, and relentlessly following up to ensure our GCs know what success feels like.

— Paige Latham, Director, St. Lucie (FL).


Ready to Talk?

Acceleration Academies invites district superintendents and other school leaders to begin a dialog about to intervene on behalf of students who have fallen behind or left school.