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Why is Your High School Diploma Important to You? Part Three

December 17, 2018 | Acceleration Academies

In the final installment of our “Why is Your High School Diploma Import to You?” series, we spoke with our staff at the local level. Below are the responses from our very own Content Coaches, Career & Life Coaches, Graduation Candidate Advocates, Registrars, and District Directors.

“My high school diploma was the springboard that enabled me to attend university and become the first person in my extended family to graduate with a college degree. As the oldest child, my successes helped to inspire my younger siblings and cousins to pursue college degrees as well, rather than work for the family business.” District Director

“My high school diploma is important to me because it was the beginning of having more and more choices as I furthered my education.” Content Coach

“Because, that was the key that helped me open all the doors to build my present and my future.” GCA

“It marked an important stage in my life. My teenage days were over and I was mature enough to face life on my own. I was ready to enter university and have a permanent job.” GCA

“My high school diploma is important to me because it represented years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. In addition, my high school diploma enabled me to be able to go to college to become an educator. Without my high school diploma I would not have felt the feeling of accomplishment I felt upon receiving it on graduation day. It was a goal I successfully accomplished.” District Director

“My high school diploma was important to me because it was the key to begin a better future. My high school diploma was the first step to help me reach college. The foundation to a successful career starts with the knowledge we acquire when earning our diploma.” Content Coach

“Because it is a stepping stone to a successful future.” GCA

“As a teenager, I became very ill and lost motivation to continue school. The motivation I received from my family and friends helped me strive and succeed. After receiving my diploma, I attended college and was able to obtain this job. By working here, I am able to help students that were disengaged with school and am helping them graduate.” Career & Life Coach

“It is important because that diploma open the doors  for new possibilities especially Universities.” GCA

“It opened the door to opportunities I wouldn’t have had without it. I was able to pursue a college degree which led me to several awesome opportunities.” Content Coach

“Earning my high school diploma meant that I’d have the tremendous opportunity to further my education! It was the key that opened the door for me to earn my bachelors degree! Ultimately, allowing me to pursuit my passion of advocating for those individuals who sometimes go unheard!” GCA

“It allowed me the opportunity to attend college and pursue a career that I really enjoy!” Career & Life Coach

“My high school diploma provided me with a strong foundation to further my education and enabled me to obtain a professional career in administration. It was the spring board I used to attend college and earn my Bachelors and Masters Degrees. After working as a public school administrator for 14 years, I started pursuing my doctorate degree.” District Director/Assistant Director

“Because is the road that opens so many doors for me to be successful!” Content Coach

“It is essential to have a High School diploma since one will get better job opportunities and earn a better salary. Furthermore, having a diploma will allow you to go to college and study what you are passionate about.” Content Coach

“A high school diploma opens up doors for me that I would have never had access to without it.  A high school diploma is a stepping stone towards a rewarding future. I cannot picture where I’d be without it.” Content Coach

“Being from a family with a father who was born to immigrants, and a mother who did not complete High School, It was important to me succeed in my studies and make my parents  proud of me and hopeful for my future. My grandmother would always beam when she talked of “il professore”. The first in the family to go to college.” Content Coach

“My high school diploma plays an essential role in my life and serves as proof that I was able to complete a certain degree of education. Getting a high school diploma is important for my future;  aspects related to my finances, education, and personal and societal matters.” GCA

“My high school diploma gave me the opportunity to experience life outside of my small town.  Because I graduated high school, I was able to meet new people, explore new interests, and develop a better sense of myself while stepping beyond my comfort zone.” District Director

“My high school diploma is a symbol of completing a 12 year task and showing my family its worth getting. Also it was the first step towards my career goals.” Content Coach

“It was the launching point for all I have accomplished.” GCA

“It opened the doors for all career possibilities and I was able to choose what I love to do for work” Career & Life Coach

“My high school diploma is a symbol of completing a 12 year task and showing my family it’s worth getting. Also it was the first step towards my career goals.” Content Coach

“My high school diploma was my first accomplishment on my own and set the groundwork for my university degree and building my life.” Registrar

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