By Laura Husnander
Director, Martin County Acceleration Academy
When we opened the classroom door for the first time in six months, we were thrilled to see that four graduation candidates were already waiting outside, eager to keep working toward their dream of a high school diploma.
Martin County Acceleration Academy became the first of our nationwide family of non-traditional public high school programs to open after the closures forced by the Covid-19 pandemic. And a joyful homecoming it was!
Graduation Candidate Advocate Mrs. Allen perfects the art of the socially distant hug with a returning GC Griffin Pogue.
CJ Warrell, who will soon complete his studies and earn his diploma, said he was thrilled to be back on campus, able to interact with teachers face-to-face, study in a productive environment, and slip out the door to grab lunch at the nearby Publix grocery store.
“It feels a lot better than when I was at home doing Zoom,” he said. “This school’s done a lot for me, giving me opportunities I probably wouldn’t have had.” That includes, he said, “teachers who actually care about their students.”
Following the guidance of health authorities, our school district partners and our network team, Academy staff members positioned furniture with six feet between all seating, sanitized all surfaces, checked everyone’s temperature and made sure everyone had a face mask.
When we opened the classroom door for the first time in six months, we were thrilled to see that four graduation candidates were already waiting outside, eager to keep working toward their dream of a high school diploma.
Of the nine graduation candidates who came in on the first day, seven had been disengaged from their studies for weeks. Clearly, they recognized the importance of having in-person support from staff members and their peers — and we were delighted to make that possible once again.
We recognize that many GCs still don’t feel comfortable learning on-site, so we have extended virtual hours until 9 p.m. and continue to use Zoom meetings for remote testing and support.
I can hardly express how exciting it has been to see our GCs in person and see our Academy in motion. We have limited staff to two at any time and temporarily reduced our open hours in light of the fact that most teaching and learning is still taking place at home. Wherever our learners are, we are working hard to connect and keep them on track.
Working in partnership with the Martin County School District, Martin County Acceleration Academy offers an accredited and personalized high school diploma program — free of charge — to students seeking an alternative path. For more information, please call 872.529.5115 or contact us here.
GC David Jeffries, left, works with Content Coach Cory Allen.