June saw an exuberant group of Martin County Acceleration Academies graduates grab their diplomas and march toward their brighter futures. Having overcome many hurdles along the way, the grads used the flexible, personalized path offered by MCAA to realize their dream of a diploma — and the doors it will open for them in the years and decades to come.
Here are some images from the day, along with the dedications MCAA’s team of educators offered in their honor. Photos by Annie Shaw.
Enrique Ninos Aguilar
Enrique is very optimistic. He worked long hours to achieve his diploma, all the while working long full time hours at a job. He was determined to not give up on his dream and to finish. Enrique models the innate desire to succeed. As you get to know this bright young man, you see the planning and actions he takes to reach his life goals. Enrique communicates in a very kind and polite manner, and his dedication was an inspiration to rise to his level. We are all very proud of you, Enrique.
Yoseln Bautista
Yoselin is an extraordinary young woman and a delight to work with. She has a fighting spirit, and while working with her, we all saw her determination to finish her courses and earn this diploma. She is a sweet and kind girl and incredibly sincere and it is all of these traits that have made her special to each of us. We are so proud of all your hard work to earn this, Yoselin, and we hope that you will carry this wonderful work ethic with you through life. No matter what comes your way, you can always work your way through it.
Colin Buckman
Colin is one of the most hardworking GCs that we’ve had the pleasure of working with. His dedication to school is mirrored in all facets of his life. While Colin appreciates the hard work of an outdoor life, he never lost sight of his graduation goal. Colin exhibits strong character and a kind demeanor. He is resolved and unyielding when he believes he is right and does not easily back down – a good trait for a young man and a good match to the hard work he does. There is no doubt that this trait will yield him success as he focuses on his goals and busts through barriers to meet them.
Erin Dermody
Erin is a determined young woman. She is admired by her peers and our staff. We are all proud of her and equally proud of being a part of her success. Erin is a bright, independent young woman. Her passion and her charisma fill any room she is in. Although some life struggles may have gotten her down along the way, she has picked herself up and dusted herself off to get back to work. Erin is thorough and dedicated to perfecting her learning. Erin has owned her success, and it has been a pleasure working alongside her as she reached this important milestone.
Lilyanna Enriquez
Lilyanna was able to overcome obstacles and show up for herself! Lilyanna is honest, hardworking, soft spoken, and a go-getter. When we first met Lilyanna, we instantly saw a person with a strong will, strong mind, and a goal she set out to accomplish. She didn’t let the rigorous content scare her away or allow the tough work to become an excuse. She persevered and focused her strength on her goal of graduation.
Ana Francisco
Ana has the spirit of a lion, no matter the barrier she faces. She always finds a way to continue on and keep strong! Ana is such a sweet and very successful young girl. She not only works hard but also makes the impossible possible. We are thrilled to have been a part of her journey to earning her diploma. Remember to never give up and to never doubt yourself; you can do absolutely anything you set your mind to. The path forward is the only path for you!
Jason Macario
Jason is gentle, caring and very polite. He is a very respectful young man with a fire of intention in his eyes. When he set out to earn his diploma, we experienced his passion first hand. Jason worked with continued devotion, dodging barriers that threatened to get in his way. Jason did not hesitate to buckle down and overcome it all. Jason is a remarkably strong young man; we hope that you never lose that determination to go out and achieve your dreams!
Anthony Mitchell
Anthony doesn’t back down to a challenge; when people tell him ‘no’, he is empowered to rise above and accomplish the impossible. He takes the good stuff with the bad and uses it to fuel him to carry on and achieve his personal successes. Anthony didn’t have an easy road, but because of his growth mindset, we are celebrating him today. Anthony, carry that mindset into your next endeavor in life. No matter what walls stand before you, dig in, keep your mind open and break down that wall one brick at a time.
Evangelina Sanchez
This young mama does it all. From completing tests in her car for quiet and privacy to working evenings with coaches when her baby was resting, Vangie models hard-work, dedication, and strength. Vangie didn’t get through the work easily, but she stuck with it and got through it all. She was always positive and never flustered; if problems arose she worked hard to find a solution and did not let her problems cloud her from seeing them through. Vangie is an outstanding example to young mothers, and it is a joy to watch her model her confidence in knowing she will succeed.
Alexis Smith
Through her journey at Acceleration Academies, Alexis has shown us her gentle, resolved character, but this journey has also shown Alexis what else she has within her. She is faithful despite distractions, tenacious about her goals, and an advocate for herself. Alexis knows when she works best and was able to think and reflect deeply about course content late at night! We have watched how long Alexis has worked for this day and are thrilled to be here as she accepts her diploma. Alexis, we can’t wait to see what your future holds.
Sha’Nell Snipes
Sha’Nell is a caretaker and we are so glad to see her here today, having taken care of herself, and taking care of her progress toward her diploma. Sha’Nell didn’t progress at a regular pace, but she did work at her pace. While working toward her diploma, Sha’Nell also had a job taking care of others who needed help. Sha’Nell is now ready to take on the world. She stayed positive. Sha’Nell is loved for her practical, positive and calm personality, and her strength to move forward, even when presented with a major barrier. These qualities will ensure Sha’Nell’s future success on her own time, in her own way, on her own path
Fredy Sucuc
Fredy is an incredible young man and such a gentleman. Determination is what got him here today. Fredy is remarkably strong, with a hidden heart of gold. He is relentless in his pursuit of his goals. Fredy is a forward thinker, planning and acting on those goals to ensure success. Fredy, go out and grab the life you’ve always dreamt of and don’t let anyone stand in your way.
Isabella Thomas
Isabella, strong mommas raise strong kids, and based on the strength you’ve shown while earning your high school diploma, the world better watch out for little Sofia! Isabella started at MCAA with a new baby and a defined goal – a high school diploma. She is graduating now with a beautiful toddler, who will not only grow up seeing her mother as a high school graduate, but as an inspiration to make things work the best you can in any situation…like a situation of being the best parent to an active toddler and completing coursework while the toddler naps, or cries, over Zoom, during a pandemic. Watch out world; here they BOTH come.