High school can be really difficult, from challenging classes to complications outside of the school day. Lots of life challenges can get in the way, like jobs, mental health struggles, family situations, access to affordable wifi & internet, and transportation. High school is hard to get through, and everyone may cope differently. Some students may push themselves to the point of burning out, or they may shut down entirely and drop out of high school.
However, it’s important to graduate high school, and staying in school really does pay off in the long run.
But how do you stay motivated in high school when it can be so hard to find the inspiration to stay in school?
Tips for High School
While this list doesn’t include everything you need to succeed in high school, it’s a great place to start if you’re looking for how to stay motivated in school.
High school can get overwhelming sometimes, but there are people in your life who want to help you. Try to talk to some of your teachers, a guidance counselor, your coach, your parents, or even an older sibling for help. It’s no fun trying to figure out everything on your own, and getting advice from those in your life who care about you can be a great way to see your options and remember that you’re not alone.
How Can a Guidance Counselor Help Me?
Guidance counselors can help you in your classes now and support you as you plan for the future. Not only are they adults who have been where you are right now, but they also have excellent connections to resources to help you within your school, as well as knowledge of colleges, work opportunities, and more that would be perfect for your needs. They can even help you find and get connected to community services you might need like food services, affordable wifi connectivity programs, and refurbished laptops at discounted rates, in school and out of school.
Check out your guidance counselor’s office to help you stay motivated in high school and beyond!
How Can My Teacher Help Me Achieve My Goals?
Teachers can help you reach your academic and personal goals, but they need to know that you want or need help first! They can help with extensions on assignments, tutoring, extra credit, exemptions for different learning needs, recommendations for jobs, community resource connections and more! Be sure to connect with your teacher if you need extra help in your class.
It’s hard to balance the challenges of school and your personal life, especially when your personal life challenges can look like working a part-time job, bullying, maintaining relationships, and any number of other family commitments. You might realize you feel overwhelmed with things you have to do outside of school and have to step back from some things. That’s okay!
You won’t be able to balance it all perfectly, and sometimes taking some time to reschedule and reorganize what you can is needed to help you focus on school. The things you can do will mean much more to you when you can make the right time for them without sacrificing your schoolwork. This can be a great place to communicate your needs to teachers, bosses, parents, and guidance counselors, so they can all work with you to find a way to balance all your responsibilities or get you the help you need in classes.
You may wonder why you even need to stay in school and graduate. Getting a high school diploma opens up many opportunities for you after high school, like college, more job opportunities, enlisting in the military, and more.
Try to think through what you want to do after high school. Many of your goals probably require a high school diploma, so staying in school is worth it. If you keep focusing on your goals for after high school, it will help you stay motivated in school and push through the difficult times.
Why Do You Need a High School Diploma?
Your academic and personal time needs may change from year to year or from month to month. Find ways to stay flexible with your schedule and time when you can, and you’ll be set up for success.
It can be hard to see the other people in your classes and your school and think they’ve got it all figured out. The truth is, they each have their own struggles and things they wish were different, just like you.
Remember that everyone is going through their own difficulties and is on their own timeline. No one’s path is the same, and it’s okay if your timeline for school looks different from those around you.
One way to combat comparison is to try and find friends who encourage you to be your best self and lift you up when you’re feeling down, not people who make you feel like you need to change who you are to hang out with them.
Another thing to remember is that everyone learns differently, and that’s okay! Some students may understand information visually, and some may need to try new concepts out themselves. If you’re someone who needs more personalized learning because you struggle with a learning disorder, Acceleration Academies can help!
Acceleration Academies also has dedicated teachers to come alongside students with individualized education plans (IEPs). If you have ADHD or another learning disability, you’re not alone we want to help you succeed in school. Our model makes distraction-free learning a reality, helping you make the most of your time with your schoolwork.
Even if you had a terrible day (or a terrible week!), tomorrow is a new day full of opportunities to do your best and work as hard as possible.
Acceleration Academies: Your Solution to High School Done Differently
At Acceleration Academies, we understand that high school can be difficult. That’s why we’re here to help.
We offer an open, inclusive environment with blended learning (virtual and in-person), flexible schedules, individualized help and support staff, giving you everything you need to graduate with pride. We partner with local high schools to help you earn a diploma in the way that works best for you, on a timeline that helps you feel confident in the material.
Learn more about how Acceleration Academies can help you graduate by requesting more information. Or, you can check out our eGuide!
Want to join an academy and thrive in high school? Apply today!