High school can be a difficult place. While there are great parts about this phase of life you’re in, being a high school student comes with its own challenges. If you’re sick of the one-size-fits-all approach to learning, you might feel bored in your classes or completely lost in the material. You could also be battling major anxiety from getting bullied at school.
With so many difficult things to deal with every day, it may seem like the easiest option to drop out of high school or get your GED.
However, choosing a quicker option now might make your life harder later. Graduating from high school gives you many more opportunities than you would have if you dropped out, and it’s worth it to try and stay in school.
Fast Facts: Statistics of High School Dropouts
Graduating from high school is crucial to success and job security in the future. Just check out these fast facts to see for yourself:
- The unemployment rate is 8.3 percent for individuals without a high school diploma
- Over a lifetime, high school dropouts earn on average $200,000 less than those who graduate high school
- In dropouts aged 16-24, the incarceration rates are 63 times higher than in college graduate groups
- High school dropouts experience a poverty rate of 30.8 percent, more than twice that of college graduates
- Those who drop out of high school have a life expectancy nine years shorter than those who graduate
These statistics are sobering, but you don’t have to let it be your story. There are so many benefits to graduating from high school.
Why Should I Graduate From High School?
The inspiration to avoid dropping out of high school is clear with the negative facts surrounding dropping out of high school. But what are some of the benefits of getting a high school diploma?
In addition to earning more with a high school diploma, you’re more likely to keep your job if you have a diploma. You may also be up for promotions and have more flexibility in the jobs you can apply for.
Graduating from high school also gives you the chance to go to college. Continuing your education opens your options even further. Still, it’s a step you can’t consider if you don’t graduate high school.
The longer you stay in school, the more people you’ll meet. Your teachers and counselors could have some valuable connections that they can share with you to help you succeed out of school. These can include jobs you would fit well or college programs in which you would grow.
Beyond professional connections, high school is a unique place to meet friends and build relationships. Finding a safe community within high school is possible.
Showing those in your life and community that you can graduate high school is a massive benefit of sticking with it. They’ll be proud of your accomplishment, and your younger siblings or cousins can look up to you and follow in your footsteps.
Above everything else, proving to yourself that you can graduate high school will do wonders for your self-esteem and overall confidence. It’s a huge step in your future to complete high school.
We believe you can do it, and we can’t wait to see you succeed and prove to yourself that you can do hard things.
You Can Graduate on Your Terms
At Acceleration Academies, we know how important it is to graduate. We also know the obstacles that can get in the way of you finishing high school.
That’s why we’ve developed a different way to graduate.
With Acceleration Academies, you’ll experience a personalized and flexible approach to your learning. We’ll work with you to make an academic schedule that works best for you, and we’ll only focus on one subject at a time until you master it and you’re ready to move on.
Plus, we provide a safe environment for you to complete your work on your terms. Our staff is affirming and compassionate. We want to see you thrive, and we’re ready to work with you to learn what thriving looks like for you personally.
Ready to know more? Check out our newest eGuide and learn how to get back on track to earning a high school diploma.