Why Us

A Trusted Partner Since 2014

Acceleration Academies has helped thousands of young adults stymied by the traditional high school setting overcome real-life obstacles and earn their district high school diploma. We combine a web-based curriculum and in-person coaching/support inside our centrally-located open-concept academies.

The Acceleration Academy difference

Take a look inside our academies with this virtual tour.

Cognia Accredited Badge

Cognia Accreditation

Read our full Cognia Accreditation Report to learn why Acceleration Academies earned a rating 25 percent higher than the average for the more than 36,000 schools endorsed by Cognia, the world’s largest accreditation body.

St. Lucie Partnership Results

Overall District Graduation Rate Improved from 65% to 92% (2011-2024).

Acceleration Academies began with an initial pool of 400 disengaged students.

We have celebrated 683 Acceleration Academy Graduates (2016-2024).

The 2024 St. Lucie Acceleration Academy Class includes 68% in-cohort students.

St. Lucie County and Acceleration Academies: Better Together

Our partnership focused on these five priorities. We worked together to improve student attendance, academic progress, and ultimately the graduation rate.

  1. Identify and support at-risk students early.

  2. Staff schools with graduation coaches.

  3. Refine and expand the in-house alternatives.

  4. Partner with Acceleration Academies to re-engage older, out-of-cohort students.

  5. Expand Acceleration Academies’ role to include in-cohort students.